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Tirana International Airport welcomes Danish airline Jet Time with tourists from Scandinavia
Tirana International Airport (TIA) welcomes today Danish airline Jet Time with on board its first flight a group of 130 tourists from Scandinavia.
To mark this occasion TIA held a small ceremony, for the beginning of the new route from the Finnish capital, Helsinki, to Tirana.
“This is the first group of tourists from Scandinavia and we are expecting others from Sweden and Norway. People from Scandinavian countries are very interested to see Albania and we wish them a wonderful experience. Meanwhile, TIA is supporting these routes financially, aiming to boost tourism and raise the image of Albania across Europe and beyond,” said Dr Rolf Castro-Vasquez, TIA’s Chief Executive Officer.
Jet Time is a Danish-owned airline founded in 2006 and merely operates as a Business-to Business company by delivering flight transportation solutions to charter and airlines. Since the start-up, Jet Time has grown to become the largest Danish-owned airline.
Tirana International Airport has announced that more good news will be coming for the summer.
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