
Albania in a nutshell



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Tirana International Airport is Albania's only international airport and thus plays an important role for the country. It serves among others the exchange between the Albanians and their worldwide community. With airline routes to many destinations, Tirana International Airport is Albania's gateway to the world.


Albania is an appealing holiday destination. This South-eastern European country with its Mediterranean climate and hot dry summers is rapidly becoming an attractive place to visit. Its 450 kilometers of Adriatic and Ionian shorelines with numerous beaches make it ideal for tourism and sports, while the mountains and national parks have an appeal to many visitors. The country is becoming more and more popular for tourists from all over the world.

Introducing Albania

• Neighbouring countries: Montenegro to the North-west and Kosovo to the North-east, FYR of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the South

• Size: 28,748 square kilometers

• Population: According to INSTAT, Albania has a population of 3,15 mil inhabitants.

• Language: The official language of Albania is Albanian, which according to some sources is the oldest branch of the Indo-European family.

• Religion: The three main religions in Albania are Islam, Orthodox and Catholic Christianity


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