
Tirana International Airport becomes Carbon accredited

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TIA on September 9, 2014


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- Tirana International Airport pays special attention to environmental issues.
- TIA carbon accredited at Mapping level for the first time.

In January 2013, Tirana International Airport (TIA) became carbon accredited at the Mapping level. Airport Carbon Accreditation is a certification for carbon management of airports. The program evaluates the efforts of airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions, with four levels of award, namely Mapping, Reduction, Optimization and Neutrality..

“Such initiatives give our customers, stakeholders and third parties more confidence, and are testimony of TIA’s commitments to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Airport aims to address the challenges of climate change by assessing and reducing carbon emissions from its operations, with the ultimate goal of becoming carbon neutral,” said Mr. Rolf Castro–Vasquez, TIA Chief Operation Officer.

Energy efficiency, energy saving and reduction of carbon emissions already play a major role in TIA’s development and business strategy. Provision of resources and information, and the involvement of management and employees, all of whom are required to achieve these objectives, is another important aspect of TIA’s Energy Policy.

Aiming at the sustainable use of resources and energy efficiency optimization and energy cost reduction, TIA, in cooperation with HOCHTIEF AirPort, has since 2011 been implementing an Energy Saving Project, developing sustainable energy-saving actions.

The Company also requires third parties to manage environmental, energy, health and safety effects at the same level as does TIA in order to contribute to the overall performance of the Airport.

The accreditation system was launched by the European airports trade association ACI EUROPE in June 2009. Within the scope of the system, individual airport carbon footprints are independently verified in accordance with ISO 14064 on the basis of supporting evidence.

Published by

TIA on September 9, 2014


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