
TIA supports Tungjatjeta initiative to help children with special needs in remote areas of Librazhd


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Tirana International Airport (TIA) is supporting and contributing towards the Tungjatjeta Social Programme run by the international organization World Vision to help children with special needs in the remote villages of Librazhd.

“Human initiative deserves the attention of all of us, and we will do our best to raise awareness of this issue,” said Dr Rolf Castro-Vasquez, TIA’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are living in a hectic world and sometimes we forget how important it is to stop and look at what is going on at our side,” he added.

Currently, at least 70,000 children with some type of disability have been identified in World Vision’s Area Development Programme sites in Albania where children with disabilities encounter reduced access to basic social services and education, and face various forms of stigma and discrimination from their families, peers and communities. More than 350 children with special needs have been identified in Librazhd Municipality.

Based on these data and the challenging economic, social and demographic situation in Albania, World Vision has decided to begin a donation programme for this group of children and launched its first local marketing campaign with the intention of bringing a possible change to as many of these children and their families as possible, by offering social and medical services wherever they live.

Everybody can join the Social Programme Tungjatjeta and donate three Euros per month to help children ease their illness through the website or can donate at

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