
I am with Nature: Children celebrate the Environment Day at Tirana International Airport

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TIA on June 8, 2017


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I am with Nature: Children celebrate the Environment Day at Tirana International Airport

Organizing and sponsoring social activities with focus on awareness about environment for children and youth in the area around the airport, is becoming a beautiful tradition for TIA and its business partners.

On 8th of June 2017, following the activities for the celebration of the day of the environment, a group of 50 students from the lower grade classes of the School Rexhe Deliu in Rinas, gathered in the green surroundings to enjoy the renovated green landscape of the airport.

Students with banners “Save the Environment” and “We love green", run in the green areas of the Airport taking pictures while were greeted by the Airport staff. To mark the day, they continued the picnic in the green spaces near Preza Castel to enjoy the surroundings. 

Published by

TIA on June 8, 2017


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