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Dear Colleagues, Dear Collaborators,
We are here together to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Tirana International Airport. 15 years ago, the Tirana Airport Partners Consortium took over the Rinas Airport from the Government. Many of you have been here on this day, or joined shortly thereafter. One of them is our Chief Operation Officer Mr. Volker Wendefeuer, who was here on the first day. I am proud to give my warmest welcome to all of you in this ceremony, however long you have been here, and thank you for the hard work that we have had, in particular in this difficult 15th year, the year 2020 which is marked by the pandemic.
We underwent the closure of the flights on 12th March, the restarting in June and currently the limitation of traveling for our passengers, but we indeed managed quite well and I believe we can say that we always achieved the best result for the air traffic and we were at the service of the passengers, the airlines and all others who depend on our airport. I must make all of you the compliment that during a very long period of time you have shown commitment, good will, a long breath and a lot of courage in frightening situations and Tirana International Airport is proud of you. We have here 103 employees of TIA that have joined TIA, 15year ago and the ceremony of today is dedicated to you and TIA expresses its biggest gratitude for the work you have done.
A work anniversary is not only a milestone but it also symbolizes all the emotions associated with an employee’s years of service. Emotions are happiness, joy and pride, but sometimes also anger, frustration and even rage. Emotions are normal and humane. But despite all emotions, and sometimes with the help of them, we have worked together in a disciplined way. This is the most important bottom line, and this is why we were so successful. All of you deserve to feel valued and appreciated. We all together may look back with satisfaction on this time period, and at the same time this Anniversary should give us strength and confidence for the time ahead.
So in the name of the management of TIA I would like to thank each of you for your dedication and for giving the best of you. I am aware how difficult the daily work at the airport sometimes is, while we are not living normal times, when TIA is forced to reduce its staff due to the decrease of the flights by 60 % and when health is being compromised every day due to COVID-19. But your work is rewarded.
Therefore, while celebrating this 15th year of our company, we are celebrating our joint success here at TIA, but also thank each employees’ wives, husbands and the children who have made significant sacrifices.
This happy opportunity will be incomplete if we do not express a warm toast on you. I want to thank all of you with heart. Thank you all for being with TIA, for being sometimes patient and to support our company in the worst time when it was most needed.
Gezuar Pervjetorin!
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