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Tirana International Airport, 10 years of success story
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Today, on April 23, at the premises of Tirana International Airport, the 10th anniversary of the Airport concession was celebrated. The event was attended by the Minister of Transport, Edmond Haxhinasto, representatives of various state institutions, TIA shareholders, various partners, etc.
All those present emphasized the fact that Tirana International Airport is a successful business story, but above all a wonderful story for the millions of passengers who have spent these years through the gates of Rinas. Ten years ago the Airport served about 600,000 passengers while today this number has tripled. During these 10 years TIA and the Albanian government have established a strong partnership by significantly improving the service of the Airport.
& nbsp; In his greeting speech, the CEO of the Airport, Mr. Rolf Castro-Vasquez, said that Tirana International Airport has exceeded all expectations by becoming a business story to be taken as an example. & ldquo; 10 years ago TIA promised to offer the best European quality and the highest standard. I can proudly say that we managed, we even exceeded expectations. I want to thank all those people who made this possible & rdquo ;, - said Mr. Rolf Castro-Vasquez.
& nbsp; Meanwhile, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Edmond Haxhinasto said that & ldquo; TIA has been a good partner to develop the civil aviation industry and this partnership will certainly be further consolidated, because we want this airport to be a contributor to the further development of airport infrastructure, to the further development of civil aviation-related industries, such as tourism. I therefore thank the President of the Board of Shareholders & nbsp; for the willingness expressed to continue the negotiation process that we have already started and to complete it, in order to enable the development of the airport infrastructure in the south of Albania, and to made operational the airport of Kukes, which is in good condition. & rdquo;: - said Minister Haxhinasto. & nbsp;
& ldquo; I am convinced that all the honorable representatives here, especially the members of the board of shareholders of this airport share with me this view and I believe that we will walk on a safe path of achieving the objectives, to catch in growing international market. Therefore, with the common will expressed for this purpose, we must open the exclusive market over the sky of Albania and & rsquo; better serve the citizens of the country, who want to have a growing variety of services, but also serve the tourist market. , which is a very large market where the Rinas International Airport & ldquo; Mother Teresa & rdquo; will have his share of the benefit & rdquo ;, concluded Mr. Haxhinasto.
Meanwhile, Mr. Holger Linkweiler, Chairman of the Airport Management Council said: & ldquo; Since the beginning of 2005, our cooperation continues to be in the spirit of partnership and mutual trust, based on a common goal: to make Albania a better place for business, for tourism and to visit relatives and friends. We are ready and express our willingness to cooperate with the Albanian government in its desire to increase Albania's opportunities to connect with the outside world. We are ready to discuss every aspect of our concession. But we must emphasize that we feel the exclusive partner of the Albanian government & rdquo;.Strengthening the cooperation and improving the performance of the Airport was the essence of the speech given by Mr. Peter-Martin Thimme, the representative of the second largest shareholder of Tirana International Airport, Deutsche Investitions- und Entëicklungsgesellschaft, a member company of the group banking Kfë. & ldquo; Investments can only be successful in the long run if they have the support of a government they can rely on and trust. There is a lot of interest among German companies to invest in Albania, and, where there is a desire, there is action. We see Albania as a reliable partner, as a partner with potential for significant growth & rdquo;, - said Mr. Peter-Martin Thimme.
The ceremony was also greeted by Mr. Aleksandër Sarapuli, Director of the American-Albanian Enterprise Fund (AAEF) and Member of the Board of TIA, as a representative of the third shareholder of TIA, who expressed the most high for people who have worked on this project with passion of more than 10
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